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Chris Idzikowski BSc, PhD, CPsychol FBPsS
Dr Chris Idzikowski is currently Director of the Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service. His previous appointments include Visiting Professor, University of Surrey, Deputy Head of the Human Psychopharmacology Research Unit at the Robens Institute of Health and Safety, University of Surrey and Head of Clinical Pharmacology at the Janssen Research Foundation. He started researching into sleep more than 20 years ago when he worked at Prof. Ian Oswald's sleep laboratory at Edinburgh University's Department of Psychiatry before researching into fear and anxiety with the Medical Research Council in Cambridge.
An expert on sleep and its disorders, Dr Idzikowski has served as Chairman of the British Sleep Society, and has sat on the boards of the Sleep Medicine Research Foundation, the European Sleep Research Society and the U.S Sleep Research Society. Formerly Chairman of the Royal Society of Medicine Forum on sleep and its disorders (now the Sleep Medicine Section), he has held many honorary appointments, both health authority (Oxford) and University (e.g Queen's University of Belfast).
Dr Idzikowski has published numerous papers and books on sleep, including "The Insomnia Kit" (Feb 1999) and "Serotonin, Sleep and Mental Disorder" (Blackwells Scientific Publishing, 1991) and Learn to sleep well and the Learn to sleep well kit (Duncan Baird, 2000,2004).
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