New bFan® 2024 with Wireless Remote
by Tompkins Research, Inc.
Maker of the Original Bedfan
Created in 2000 by Inventor Kurt Tompkins.

Do you experience night sweats , have trouble keeping cool at night, or simply toss and turn throwing the covers on and off, trying to stay cool? Then the bFan® may be just the solution for you, and your partner.

When you settle into bed at night, the body often generates heat, which when trapped under the covers, has no place to go. Trapped hot air sometimes causes you to feel warm, and uncomfortable as you sleep. Your body, in its natural effort to cool itself down, will start to sweat.

Such great relief! That's the kind of relief you get with the bfan®. If you keep the bed sheet pulled up you can feel the wonderful cool air all night. The bfan is such a great idea to keep comfortable during the night. I can sleep all night now that I no longer suffer from night sweats..
-- Sandy J.

How Does The bFan® Work?

The bFan® helps to remove the body heat that gets trapped under your covers. A gentle, cool breeze, starts at your feet and flows over your body and up along your head and neck area to lower your body temperature.

While, most ceiling fans and other types of fans simply blow both hot and cool air around the room, the bFan® removes the hot air while the cool breeze surrounds your entire body for a cool night's rest.

Control Air Flow With The Wireless Remote
The New Wireless Remote, allows for easy airflow adjustments and features a 4 hour or 9 hour automatic shut off timer. Create your own cool zone with the bFan® and get a cool, restful night's sleep. If you are a hot sleeper our bFan® is just what you need!

Save Money by Reducing Energy Costs
Air conditioning accounts for 45% of the average home energy budget. The only way to reduce your A/C bill is to raise your thermostat, typically in the evening or at night. Use of the bFan® allows you to comfortably raise your thermostat as much as 8 degrees over a short period of time. For every degree the thermostat is raised, 4% to 8% can be saved on cooling costs.

The bFan uses a powerful DC motor to power a high performance, ultra quiet, fully controllable blower. The Fan uses less than one amp of power, making it extremely cost effective.

Easily Installs at The Foot of Your Bed

1) Simply position the bFan® anywhere against the foot of your bed. The bFan® is ultra thin and allows it to fit in between your bed and footboard, poster bed or sleigh bed.

2) Adjust the top of the bFan so it is at least 2 inches above the top of your mattress. This will create a channel for the air to flow up to and through your sheets.

3) Once the bFan is in place, position the sheet on your bed so that it covers the top of the bFan. Tuck the overlapping sheet between your mattress and box spring.

Warranty: 30 day money back guarantee
1 year warranty. Built in the USA.
Original Patent No. US7908688

PLEASE READ: All bfan's ship out in date order. Once shipped we will email you the UPS tracking number, ship time with UPS is about three days. Please provide us a physical address as we cannot ship UPS to a P.O box. Any questions please call 888-774-4046 9:00 am to 11:00 pm EST

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